A Career with a View

North Bay, a place to work and live!

North Bay is a caring community of energetic, high-spirited people. The combination of lush forests, spring-fed water and clean air creates a healthy environment for working, living and raising a family. Safe, friendly, well-planned neighbourhoods also make coming home a pleasure in North Bay.

Situated between Lake Nipissing and Trout Lake, the City offers lakefront property in both urban and rural settings. The short distance between home and work allows more time to enjoy the wealth of parkland and leisure facilities.

It Doesn’t Get Better Than This

North Bay Regional Health Centre

The North Bay Regional Health Centre (NBRHC) is a unique healthcare organization with three primary roles. It provides acute care services to North Bay and its surrounding communities, it is the district referral centre providing specialist services for smaller communities in the area, and it is the specialized mental health service provider serving all of northeast Ontario.


Local Physicians


Total Acute and Mental Health Beds


Operating Room cases annually


Emergency Department Visits Annually (avg)

I Love this City

North Bay is a City of Outdoor Adventures

“We can live in the city but also have all of these outdoor opportunities. I love this city, I want everyone to come try it out!”

– Dr. Lisa Harman

North Bay is a supportive community

“The support from the specialists in the bigger medical community was phenomenal. I felt like I could be a more confident family physician with support from that team behind me.”

– Dr. Rebekah King

Our Recruitment Team & Process

Our recruitment team will help guide you through the process of joining the North Bay Regional Health Centre team.

Learn how we make physicians transition into practice as smooth as possible.

I look forward to working with you.

– Chastity Saudino, Medical Affairs Manager
